Thursday 25 June 2015

What are the most important things to learn in web development as of 2015?

If you are web development then you must know following.

Front End Developer
1. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Jquery
2. JS Framework- angular
3. UI library- Semantic UI, Bootstrap, Foundation, Polymer
4. Front End Tools - Gulp, Grunt, Bower
5. CSS preprocessor - LESS, SAAS, Stylus
6. JS preprocessor - CoffeeScript, TypeScript, LiveScript
7. Asynchronous - Ajax

Back End Developer
1. PHP, Python, Ruby
2. Backend Framework -
               PHP - Symfony, Laravel, Nette, Zend, CodeIgniter
               Ruby - Ruby On Rail
               Python - django
               JavaScript - Node.js, Express.js, Total.js, Sails.js, Meteor.js
 3. Database - MySQL, MongoDB, PostgressSQL, MariaDB

Code Quality
1. TypeSystems - FlowTyped, TypeScript
2. Testing - Mocha, qunit
3. Quality - jslint

This is latest list for development but you can also need to learn ASP.NET, Java, MS SQL Server etc